Blog: Category: Herbs

Dehydrator full of basil

Dehydrating Basil

Basil is a prolific herb and also a very preservable one! How to dry it for later use…

Garlic Whistles

Garlic Whistles

What the heck are these weird looking things? Garlic whistles, of course! But what are they good for?

The harvest begins

The Start of Harvest Season

Zucchini, Patty Pan Squash, Cucumbers, Tomatillos, Ground Cherries, Okra, Basil and Tomatoes — the first significant haul of the harvest season is upon us! Amazing colors, inspiring art and amazing smells, inspiring cooking. 🙂

Purple, Thai and Sweet Basil

Drying Herbs: Basil

Basil I have found to be one of the trickier herbs to preserve by drying. It is fragile and has a tendency to mold, turn black or lose all flavor and taste like ash! There are so many times I have wasted a good batch of basil harvest to poor drying results… Blegh! So here is the most reliable way

Rosemary and Sage hanging to dry

Drying Herbs: Sage & Rosemary

Every year we have more herbs in the garden than we can use up before the weather turns and the leaves get gross or drop off the plant. Most years we dehydrate (or dry) at least a little bit of our harvest in the last couple of weeks that we have nice weather so that we can enjoy the herby
