Pin The Face On The Creepy Clown

We have a kid that is too old for pin the tail on the donkey, but not too old for a good birthday party game (hope that’s everyone, honestly — don’t ever get too old for a good birthday party game!!) A couple of birthdays back (since this one in 2020 sucked eggs for any kind of in-person parties) we decided to put a new spin on the old tradition. Since our birthday kid is a horror movie fan and loves the movie “It”, we decided a horribly fun game would be pin-the-face-on-the-creepy-clown.

Since this isn’t something that you can find at any store, we had the kids draw on a clown outline on a big sheet of paper and cut out face-parts and frilly buttons from another piece of paper. With a little bit of rolled tape on the back of each cut-out part and a scarf across the eyes of each kid, much riotous fun and maniacal laughing ensued when the face parts ended up in nauseating places. We had to play about three times before there was any sign of boredom.
