Thoughts for Peace

Christmas Sugar Cookies
It's Christmas Eve... Don't forget to leave cookies out for Santa!

I’ve been leaving the T.V. off and trying to tune out the craziness of the world, maybe to try and find some inner peace for the holidays before we dive into another crazy year of Covid and all of the other dramas. How successful I have really been at not worrying over things that I can’t change, I am not entirely sure, but keeping my attention on the local and not the wider world has helped me gain some focus if nothing else.

Now it’s Christmas Eve and my message for you is this: Peace starts with you, in your heart and in the ability to forgive yourself and others. It’s in learning to let go of things and thoughts that do nothing but disrupt your journey. It’s not easy, but you can do it if you remain persistent.

Another thought that I think every Christmas, especially after having kids of my own is this: We are magic. We create the magic that is in the world. We do it with our very hands and our creativity. Each and every one of us can be Santa and bring some magic and joy to the world.

This year has been a hard year, and the whole world needed Christmas and the joy of the holidays. Christmas started as Halloween ended and many people brought out Christmas music and movies as soon as November rolled in. And also, everyone I know seems to be OK with it, even welcoming of it, whereas normally it might seem premature to a lot of folks. Covid and all of the cruel negativity in the world this year has made us realize that during times of hardship, we really need the joy of the holidays, whether they be Christmas or any of the other holidays that Humans celebrate — we need one another’s kindness and magic, so let’s make it so, without complaint and without apology.

May you find peace and bring joy to those around you this holiday season! Be the magic!
