Blog: Category: Misc Thoughts


Drip Drop Little Queso Fresco

It may look a bit weird, but this photo is my little bag of pressed curds, hanging there dripping off their last little bit of whey.

Chocolate covered pretzels

Mad Pretzels

Didn’t quite get through all of the almond bark, pretzels and sprinkles at holiday time. These are super easy to make so why not any time of the year?

Kitty Crosses sketches

Elekitty, Piggitty, Spidtty

Elekitty, Piggitty, Spiddtt, Citykitty, Snakitty… an illustration of what these kitty/other being hybrids might look like if they could actually exist.

Love Is All

Love is All

If I take nothing else away from this year, it would be this: living with love is the most important thing…

Tired Kitty

Happy New Year from Tired Kitty

It’s New Years Eve! Tonight may be a night for wine and painting, or snacks and movies, but one thing is for sure; by midnight, I’m going to be looking a lot like tired kitty here. 🙂 Hope you have a happy New Year’s Eve and that your 2021 is much happier and prosperous than 2020 has been. Cheers!

Merry Christmas and Poinsettias

Merry Christmas, My Friends!

Its Christmas, and I hope that joy and love are ruling your day! May the dreary times of 2020 pass you by and be forgotten and the good times be what you remember (because there is always good in there somewhere). Peace for you and peace on Earth!

Christmas Sugar Cookies

Thoughts for Peace

I’ve been leaving the T.V. off and trying to tune out the craziness of the world, maybe to try and find some inner peace for the holidays before we dive into another crazy year of Covid and all of the other dramas. How successful I have really been at not worrying over things that I can’t change, I am not

Making Pies with Grandma

Making Goodies with Grandmother

We’re getting hot on the trail of Christmas now and I just wanted to reminisce a little about holiday traditions in our family. While we are not a religious family, Christmas has a very special meaning to us, and perhaps this year when many of us are sacrificing our holiday gatherings to keep one another healthy, it becomes even more

Fall Yard Chickens

Friday (Again, Already)

Today I’ve been working on getting my business website’s online store up and running. So far, so good! Just running into a few issues, but almost there. I predict it will be ready to go by the end of the day. When all is said and done, there should be an easy way to pre-purchase a half hour or an


Hello again, World… We’re back!

It’s been a long time coming… but I’m finally re-inventing Madlantern Arts… And I mean it this time! It’s been too long. Since this whole thing started in 1999, Madlantern Arts has been my playground, expression zone, experiment house, thought barn, brain circus, and many other mad things. The last few years, though, I haven’t quite known what to do
