Drip Drop Little Queso Fresco

About a week ago the power came back on. :-/

There was this terrible ice storm, and every single tree in town just got trashed and knocked over power lines. The electricity was off for the whole town for a week (for some folks, even longer), and it was miserable for us. No heat. No way to cook. No internet. No showers. No work. Man were we unprepared for that kerfuffle!

On the bright side, our neighbors and friends were so kind and helped us stay warm, have warm food to eat, and very importantly… have hot coffee in the morning. One night our neighbors made food for us and they needed to use up their freshly made queso fresco before it went bad. It was SOOO good!

When the power came back on, I wanted more, so I thought I’d try my hand and making some. It was delicious! But took quite a bit of effort to strain off the whey. It may look a bit weird, but this photo is my little bag of pressed curds, hanging there dripping off their last little bit of whey.
