Blog: Tag: gardening

Dehydrator full of basil

Dehydrating Basil

Basil is a prolific herb and also a very preservable one! How to dry it for later use…

Garlic Whistles

Garlic Whistles

What the heck are these weird looking things? Garlic whistles, of course! But what are they good for?

Zinnia Painting

Zinnia Painting

My child’s favorite kind of flowers are Zinnias, so I plant them every year, as many different kinds as I can find seeds for! They are big and bright and have neat little stars that often grow around their centers… perfect for attracting the interest of bees… and apparently kiddos! This one was a salmon colored one, mixed in among

Claw gloves for Christmas

Claw Gloves are a Great Gift for Gardeners

A couple of years back I got a set of claw gloves from one of my good friends, and I love them! These are an excellent gift for any gardener, but especially for gardeners (like myself) who have a hard time manipulating small garden tools (like hand trowels) while wearing gloves. These allow you to get in there and loosen

Glass Gem Corn

Grow Glass Gem Corn for a Lovely Autumn Decoration

If you love decorative corn, you should try growing the variety called “Glass Gem” — the kernels come out in all kinds of wild colors, mixed around on each ear seemingly randomly. They dry well and make a very interesting autumn decoration and conversation piece! Here are some things to know about growing corn: Corn is pollenated by the wind.

Zucchinis, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Grapes and blueberries

‘Tis the Season to Celebrate a Bountiful Harvest!

Summer might just be a memory, but this is the time of year that here in the U.S.A. we celebrate the things that we are thankful for, and we celebrate with food and our bountiful harvests from the previous growing season. This year, 2020, may have been a strange year, but one thing that I am thankful for is that
