Blog: Tag: nature

Cat tails

Cat Tails

A natural fence of cat tails dividing fields… could be a good inspiration for a painting.

Green slug with slime trail


Oh how fun… a slimy little green slithery friend with a coy smile who is looking to peruse your garden before it’s even full grown. Watch out! Free Graphic: Image of a slug

Tree Clad in the Four Seasons

Tree Clad In The Four Seasons

I finally finished my painting series of a tree in a field at different times of the year. I started with winter (a borrowed painting idea), moved on to autumn, then did summer and finally spring. So no kind of order whatsoever. Soon I shall find a nice empty wall to hang the series on! These paintings were painted using

Bandon Beach Lookout

A Wooden Walk to the Beach

Another selection from our adventures in Bandon, Oregon — this is a very interesting way to walk to a viewpoint! The viewpoint itself looks out over a variety of haystack rocks known as the Face Rock area. One of our very favorite haunts.

Trillium & Snow Queen Painting

Trillium & Snow Queen Painting

I painted this one (semi-gloss acrylic on canvas) about a year ago in celebration of the early-blooming flowers here in the Western Oregon rainforest. Snow Queen is one of the earliest wildflowers to bloom and pokes its fluffy little purple/pink head up through the damp moss even before the last frost has come. Western Trillium (or Wake Robin) is a

Fishing Couple in boat

Fishing Couple

Here is a couple fishing together in a small boat. (This was another request — thanks folks!) Free Graphic: Image of two people fishing in a boat.

Praying Mantis with long shadow

Praying Mantis

Each year I come across at least one praying mantis. It is somewhat rare, though, and every time I normally stop in my tracks and stoop down to get a closer look. The size of the critter (probably 3-4 inches from noggin to butt) is always quite intimidating and I’ve never been one to pick up bugs if I’m not



Here’s a long-snouted, brown anteater with a black striped chest. (Uh oh, is your ant farm in a safe place?! :-/ ) Free Graphic: Image of an anteater


Spiral Seashell

Here is a buff colored spiral seashell like you find at the beach. Hope you discover one of these some day in real life as you sift through the sand. Enjoy! Free Graphic: Image of coral sea life.

Scallop Shell

Scallop Seashell

Here is a lovely pink scallop shell. Hope you find one of these in the sand at the beach one day. Enjoy! Free Graphic: Image of a seashell

Coral Sea Life

Coral Sea Floor

We’re calling this a beach graphic, even though you probably won’t see coral unless you go snorkeling. What a great time at the beach that would be though! Free Graphic: Image of coral sea life.



Uh oh, here it comes to smash a village. A tidal wave, incoming! Here is a tsunami graphic to flood your screen. Free Graphic: Image of a tsunami.

Forest Fire

Forest Fire

Here is a perfectly lovely green forest being burned down by ravenous flames. People should listen to Smokey the Bear. Seriously. Free Graphic: Image of a forest fire.
