

Buttons, Buttons, and More Buttons

I have a huge collection of buttons! I’ll be showing it and making custom buttons at an antique fair on June 1 in Cottage Grove. Stay tuned for more info.


Drip Drop Little Queso Fresco

It may look a bit weird, but this photo is my little bag of pressed curds, hanging there dripping off their last little bit of whey.


Fancy Poinsettia

This poinsettia, in particular, looks as though it’s been painted already!

Beeswax candle painting

Beeswax Candle Painting

This is a drippy beeswax candle among the boughs of a tree. I wanted to capture the feeling that the candle is actually producing light.

Vineyard Cat

The Regal Vineyard Cat

What a dashing fellow, and possibly a good subject for a future painting. 🙂

Cat tails

Cat Tails

A natural fence of cat tails dividing fields… could be a good inspiration for a painting.

Dehydrator full of basil

Dehydrating Basil

Basil is a prolific herb and also a very preservable one! How to dry it for later use…

Garlic Whistles

Garlic Whistles

What the heck are these weird looking things? Garlic whistles, of course! But what are they good for?
