Blog: Category: Plants


Fancy Poinsettia

This poinsettia, in particular, looks as though it’s been painted already!

Cat tails

Cat Tails

A natural fence of cat tails dividing fields… could be a good inspiration for a painting.

Dehydrator full of basil

Dehydrating Basil

Basil is a prolific herb and also a very preservable one! How to dry it for later use…

Garlic Whistles

Garlic Whistles

What the heck are these weird looking things? Garlic whistles, of course! But what are they good for?

The harvest begins

The Start of Harvest Season

Zucchini, Patty Pan Squash, Cucumbers, Tomatillos, Ground Cherries, Okra, Basil and Tomatoes — the first significant haul of the harvest season is upon us! Amazing colors, inspiring art and amazing smells, inspiring cooking. 🙂

Lavender Bachelor Button

Lavender Bachelor Button

Also known as a cornflower, you will normally find these tall, lanky flowers growing wild along the roadside in striking cobalt blue. However, this fellow in our garden is lavender purple! We grow a variety of wildly colored bachelor buttons in among the garden vegetables most years, and this year this one wins a spot on my list of favorites.


A Very Paintable Nasturtium

This is a very paintable nasturtium that we found growing in Bandon, Oregon. Oregon coastal towns are shrouded in fog and clouds for most of the year, avoiding the worst of the blistering summer sun as well as the killing winter freezes. Tender, moisture-loving plants like these nasturtiums thrive and flourish, and can even overwinter and shine again the following

Western White Trillium

Western Trillium Photo

The Western White Trillium (also sometimes called Wakerobin or toad lily) is a white lily that springs up from the damp forest floors of the pacific northwest U.S. and Canada in early to mid spring. Each plant has three green leaves, and each flower has three bright white petals. As the blossoms age, they turn from their brilliant white to

Seed Starting - Craft Stick Plant Markers

Biodegradable Plant Markers

Looking for plant markers that are renewable and biodegradable? How about inexpensive? If the answer is “yes” to either of these questions, then I’ve got the perfect solution for you… wooden popsicle or craft sticks. You can get them by the box of hundreds or thousands, and they last a year or two before getting all funky. After that, chuck

Many-Headed Sunflower

Summertime Throwback: Many-Headed Sunflower

This monster of a volunteer sunflower was at least 12 feet tall and had many, many noggins! They were not the largest sunflower blossoms that I’ve ever grown, but they did make a very nice size cut flower to feature by itself in a good size vase. What I really loved about this sunflower is that it accommodated a lot
