Blog: Category: Curiosities


Drip Drop Little Queso Fresco

It may look a bit weird, but this photo is my little bag of pressed curds, hanging there dripping off their last little bit of whey.


Fancy Poinsettia

This poinsettia, in particular, looks as though it’s been painted already!

Cat tails

Cat Tails

A natural fence of cat tails dividing fields… could be a good inspiration for a painting.

A peeking cat!

Peeking Cat

I was painting away, and when I looked down, here is a little face looking back at me… peeking cat!

Swallowtail butterfly

Swallowtail Butterfly

This summer we’ve had flurries of fluttering visitors to our garden, and especially to the three butterfly bushes that was have growing in different locations. Most magnificent among the flighty little visitors are these impressive yellow swallowtail butterfly, which could be a fun painting model, if you ask me. Courage, painting friends, courage! If you mess up, just paint over

Lavender Bachelor Button

Lavender Bachelor Button

Also known as a cornflower, you will normally find these tall, lanky flowers growing wild along the roadside in striking cobalt blue. However, this fellow in our garden is lavender purple! We grow a variety of wildly colored bachelor buttons in among the garden vegetables most years, and this year this one wins a spot on my list of favorites.

Bandon Beach Lookout

A Wooden Walk to the Beach

Another selection from our adventures in Bandon, Oregon — this is a very interesting way to walk to a viewpoint! The viewpoint itself looks out over a variety of haystack rocks known as the Face Rock area. One of our very favorite haunts.


A Very Paintable Nasturtium

This is a very paintable nasturtium that we found growing in Bandon, Oregon. Oregon coastal towns are shrouded in fog and clouds for most of the year, avoiding the worst of the blistering summer sun as well as the killing winter freezes. Tender, moisture-loving plants like these nasturtiums thrive and flourish, and can even overwinter and shine again the following

Rassafrassa cat face Timmy

Cat Rassafrassa Snarffy Rassafrassa

Timmy is a ridiculous cat on his best day… and this was probably not his best day. 😀 I was sneaking up on him to take a picture of him pressed face first against the glass door. At the moment I opened the shutter, he whipped around and licked his chops. This ridiculous face was what got captured… I can’t

Western White Trillium

Western Trillium Photo

The Western White Trillium (also sometimes called Wakerobin or toad lily) is a white lily that springs up from the damp forest floors of the pacific northwest U.S. and Canada in early to mid spring. Each plant has three green leaves, and each flower has three bright white petals. As the blossoms age, they turn from their brilliant white to

Cheery Cherry Blossoms

Cheery Cherry Blossoms Photo

I know… I know… it’s a little early for spring. But I noticed someone was looking around the site for this cheerful cherry blossoms photo and I thought I’d add it back real quick. So here ya go. I have this one in my “maybe I’ll try painting it” folder, so it was handy. 🙂 Don’t be fooled… there is
